Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vichy France, the FCC, and the Internet

I just wrote a message to the FCC regarding Net Neutrality, at the urging of the Save the Internet coalition. You can do the same at:

I've included my message below, if anyone wants to use it as a model of articulate civic engagement.

Dear FCC,

Look, we all know that the Internet should be a plain, old common carrier just like the telephone system. That will work best for consumers, for content innovators and providers, and it will actually work out pretty damned handsomely for the wireline companies just as it has up until now. Making certain that the Internet remains a common carrier would be the highest achievement you could reach as public officials and citizens.

We all know this. So don't, don't, don't, give in to the lobbyist pressure and compromise Net Neutrality. You have the legal authority to reimpose Title II, and once you do that then the wirelines will have that much higher of a barrier to get over in terms of removing Net Neutrality and exploiting the public. Sure, they may buy the next election and then proceed to buy Congress, but that isn't your worry. Your job is to do the right thing, right now, while you have the power to do it. We'll fight tomorrow's battle tomorrow, and we might lose tomorrow, but we lose for sure if you surrender today. Do you really want to go down in history as the FCC that created an Internet version of Vichy France? We all know know what the right action is here. Just do it.